Sunday, May 17, 2009

My diet

This is supposed to be a longer entry. But I haven't finished the blog post yet and I can't stand looking at my hideous photos from my past now. (Ok I still love myself for who I am.. But it torturing for me to look at those photos..)

So here are pictures showing what I ate today:

For breakfast

For lunch

For dinner

For today, I ate a total of 724kcal + around 300kcal for my snacks.

Actually, I shouldn't consume less than 1000kcal a day. It's kinda unhealthy.
I ate lots of healthy snacks here and there, so it's definitely more than what you see here.

I will post pictures of those healthy and low calories snacks I am always munching on.
Stay tuned!


  1. wow, so that's how u do it, lol that milk in that glass makes it look like beer

  2. haha. i love the cup.. so pretty!!

  3. hi, i stumbled upon your blog and thought just to share with you, if you can get used to skim milk, one cup of skim milk (depending on the brand) can get you approx 100kcal only! i'm taking harvey fresh skim milk now. i drink my milk warm (as where i'm at the weather is cold now) so to me it taste gd still!

  4. hello!, i just started reading your blog and i think you are amazing for having this blog and writing things down! i actually was only looking at ur mooncake calories and i started to see that you were making journals on your diet! man i give you so much props! im trying to lose weight too! and i was wondering if you follow a no carb at night diet? I am trying to lose weight but i noticed that i gain weight when i eat fruits at night, does that happen to you?
