Saturday, November 14, 2009

Calories of Mos Burger's Curry Croquette

Croquette, originally uploaded by kisekino01.

152kcal. Taste is not bad only. I think the butter corn one from Ion is the best. But that one must be at least 300kcal -_-

Friday, November 6, 2009

Calories of ice kachang

ice kachang, originally uploaded by varf.

The weather is turning cold. (finally!) But I really enjoy taking cold deserts or cold drinks in a cold weather. Haaa.

1 Iced kacang, 500g = 256kcal
1 Iced kachang, durian, 300g = 207kcal

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Calories of Vegetarian Fried Bee Hoon

Vegetarian Fried Bee Hoon, originally uploaded by babe_kl.

1 Beehoon, vegetarian, fried, 362g = 549kcal

Monday, November 2, 2009

Calories of Cheng Teng or (Cheng Tng)

I always thought that Cheng Teng is low in calories, as it is not very sweet and tasted very "light". But.. It has 218kcal for just one bowl! OMG. No more Cheng Teng for me anymore. :(