Saturday, July 31, 2010

Question and Answer

Unrequited love asked some questions, I thought I should reproduce the answer in a proper blog entry, as this is one of the common question I would get in my email :)

Kasselaner Fruit Tart (Fruchttoertchen)
hello!, i just started reading your blog and i think you are amazing for having this blog and writing things down! i actually was only looking at ur mooncake calories and i started to see that you were making journals on your diet! man i give you so much props! im trying to lose weight too! and i was wondering if you follow a no carb at night diet? I am trying to lose weight but i noticed that i gain weight when i eat fruits at night, does that happen to you?

Hi! It could be the choice of fruits that made you gain weight. Maybe u have to look at the choice of fruits, you could be having fruits that are too high in calories.
Another reason could be you didn't take your weight at the same time each day. Thus after having a full meal of fruits, your body haven't had the time to digest what you ate yet. Then, you see on your weighing scale immediately after eating that you are heavier. Perhaps you could monitor your diet and weight for a longer period of time.
I would advise a no-carbo diet, as that's what worked for me. However I am not a doctor, so I couldn't assure you that that would be the right thing to do. But I feel ultimately, you should have your heavier meals in the earlier part of the day, and as the sun goes, you should eat less. As I don't think it is very healthy to have so much undigested food in you when you are sleeping.

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