I am sorry for the lack of posts. Currently, I am experiencing a rough patch. I hate to show and share such shit, but fate has it and I actually sobbed while on the phone(which I called accidentally) with a close friend. This is the first time in all 25 years of my life. Not going to say more on what happened, but if you can please pray for me.
My dieting has stopped, I am sorry, bad example. But the stress emotionally is too taxing for me to handle. Good thing is, I am still controlling and sticking to veggie for dinner. So no weight gain.
If everything goes well, I will be back 2 weeks later with lots of happy dieting tips here again. But for now, you shall have to bear with me.
Meanwhile, I shall post something to motivate you.
Being skinny is not pretty and being fat is not ugly. Feeling lousy of yourself is the only way to be ugly. Whether you are fat or skinny, you just have to love yourself. And. Be loved.
The exhausted queen in 10.
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