Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Pump It up!

Came across this video online.

I tried it and it's very good. Can't do some of the poses correctly, as the instructor is too fast. But at the end of the 10 minutes, I'm still very sweaty!

Try it!

Monday, July 22, 2013


I first started on my weight loss journey in 2008, which was 5 years ago.

Though my weight did not re-bounce, I managed to maintain a healthy lifestyle, eating good food, and exercise regularly, I am not as motivated to weight loss as before.

Perhaps it's because I've reached 65kg, which was my targeted weight when I was 94.
Somehow, the happy feeling that I have lost so much weight, and all the people around me coming by to congratulate me on the weight loss, had made me feel too contented with my current weight.

If I continue in this bubble of happiness on the weight I've lost, I will always be stuck at 65kg, and I will never reach my ideal weight of 55kg.

It's time to get up and start moving on.

In order to do this, I have to forget that I used to be so fat, 94kg, I've lost so much weight..etc etc. I have to realign myself, telling myself that whatever weight I have lost is in the past. That's a great achievement, but well, that's in the past. I need to look forward. I have 10 more kgs to go, and no, I won't allow myself to stop here.

So here I come.



Friday, June 28, 2013

Update on Suntory Milcolla Collagen Powder

Two words: "No effect".

I'm feeling very sad.

Afterall, I had spend my hard-earned money on this and committed myself to drinking it everyday. I don't see ANY difference in my skin. So I think I am not going to continue after I finish the half packet I had left.


Monday, June 24, 2013

Chia Seed Toast From Bread Talk

I was attracted to this new type of bread about two months ago. The main reason why I grabbed it is because it's supposed to "keep you feeling full for hours". I thought to myself: Hey! A great diet food!

Before tasting it, I thought the taste would be horrible. The name "Chia Seed" just sounded too "healthy" and exotic. I had half expected myself to be forcing the bread down my throat. But surprising, it's very tasty!

I used to love Bread Talk's bread before I started on my weight loss journey. Since 2008, I think I had never finished an entire piece of those high calories bread from any bakery. Usually I would just take one mouthful or bite and pass to my mum or dad. (:P)

I applaude the effort of Bread Talk for coming up with healthier products for consumers who are more health conscious, like me.  Now, I can happily go to Bread Talk, and savor the nice taste of bread again.

As you can see from the picture above, two slices of the bread is a total of 152 calories. Only 152!!! Chia Seed Toasts are sliced thicker than your usual Sunshine or Gardenia Bread. So for 152 calories, you get two thick slices of bread! And it's yummy!

Nowadays, I would have two slices for breakfast, one or two more for snacks and teabreak, or even lunch, if I am too busy to eat. The Chia Seed does makes me feel full, and I don't feel the urge to eat or snack after eating this early in the morning. It is not until I suddenly feel lethargic in the afternoon that I realised I had not eaten anything apart from the Chia Seed Toasts.

For me, I would say that the "feeling full" effect works on me. Yeah! These Chia Seed Toasts are like the SK2 of bread-land. "Miracle Bread".

I think Bread Talk truly deserve a pat on their shoulders for presenting to the consumer such a wonderful product.

Thumbs up!

Bread Talk have other new products that are labelled "Healthier Choice", I will post a review on them after I had tried them.

Thanks to w, he/she reminded me that one slice of bread should be 60g, and thus one slice should be 152 calories.

Oh man, I am really disappointed with Bread Talk. :(

Friday, June 7, 2013

Start of My Collagen Drinking Routine - Suntory Milcolla Collagen Powder

Lately, I have taken a special interest in collagen.

There are a lot of collagen drinks, powder and tablets in the market. It's very confusing for a beginner to Collagen drinking like me. Thus, like what I always do when I have doubts regarding beauty products, I googled "女人我最大 胶原蛋白". And this video came up.

女人我最大 is a popular TV program in Taiwan, and it has always been my trusted source of Beauty, Fashion and Healthcare information. I have bought many reasonably priced and good products that are recommended by this TV program. And these are products that are so good that they form part of my beauty routine, without burning a big hole in my pocket.

Thus, I was immediately sold when I saw a few videos from this TV program recommending Suntory Milcolla Collagen Powder.

Suntory Milcolla Collagen Powder cost around 50 dollars a packet for half a month's supply. It's about the same price as DHC or Meiji Collagen Powder found in Watsons. This collagen powder could be mixed into any beverage or food. It has a strong milky taste, I personally do not like drinks that are too milky, but this is still bearable.

I ordered a month's supply through Qoo10, and had started on it last week. I will continue to observe my skin, and post a review when I finish my month's supply of Suntory Milcolla Collagen Powder.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

One minute Plank daily for Flat Tummy

Three weeks ago, Star sent me this picture.

For those of you who doesn't understand Chinese, what this is saying is that if you hold this begger style plank pose for one minute everyday, you will be able to tone the muscles that are highlighted in the picture.

I been trying hard to get rid of the extra fat on my tummy, so this came in timely.

After doing this one minute plank daily for just one week, I'm beginning to notice a less flabby tummy. I can feel the muscles in my tummy area hardening up. Now, I am at my third week into this daily exercise, and I really think that it helps a lot. I have lost 1 inch around my waist. :D 

Since last week, I had increased the load, and doing two minutes of plank everyday. Hopefully my efforts will pay off, and I will be able to say high to a flat tummy soon. 

Monday, June 3, 2013

64kg - I've lost 30 kg so far

Hi folks,

I've been absent for a long while again. Good news is, I'm now 64kg.
Yeah! I didn't gain back all the fat that I shed.

My new boyfriend. (Photo was taken when I was around 66kg. I think my legs and waist are smaller now. Heeee)

It's easy to give in to temptation, but I've worked very hard to lose this much weight. It will be crazy to be fat again. I have lost about 30 kg so far, and can now fit comfortably into size M in Forever 21, but size S is my ultimate goal.

One of the reason why I am not blogging actively is because I seriously have nothing much to post. I've posted on most of the popular food in Singapore, so nothing much for me to cover now... Today, I just decided to browse this blog again, and to my surprise, I still have a healthy number of page views.

I hope the information here has been useful to you. It is useful to me. Calories counting in my opinion is still an effective way to lose weight.

Thank you for not leaving me, and thank you for being here, reading this.

I will not abandon this blog, which has much meaning to me.

Will be back.

Soon. :)